My Experience joining Hashnode Bootcamp

My Experience joining Hashnode Bootcamp


7 min read

I am writing this blog about my experience joining Hashnode BootCamp to improve my technical writing skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain a competitive advantage. I hope that you find this blog post informative. I joined this Bootcamp to:

  • Improve my technical writing skills

  • Creating my brand on social media

  • Leveraging social media and technical writing skills for monetization

  • Understand other technical writers' perspectives

  • How technical writing helps me and other developers

Day 1: Boost Your Developer Career through Writing

Session 1: The importance of writing as a developer

by- Ankur Tyagi

I have been following Ankur Tyagi for some time, and his insights are invaluable! He encourages fellow developers to start their blogs and continue writing to advance their software engineering careers. In this session, he talks about the importance of writing as a developer and how he shared his developer journey through blogs. Here are the most important takeaways from this session:

  1. In this modern era of advanced AI tools, anyone can rephrase their writing; however, nothing can replace the charm and uniqueness of a personal touch. Therefore, it is crucial to communicate with your audience conversationally while maintaining authenticity and genuineness.

  2. In the current era, the ability to focus for extended periods is limited. Therefore, your blog must incorporate captivating headings, subheadings, and initial paragraphs to enable effortless skimming for your readers.

By considering the viewpoints of other bloggers, you can infuse your writing with a fresh and unique perspective on a given topic. This approach will add an element of elegance and persuasion to your work.

Session 2: Leveraging Technical Writing to Land Opportunities and Boost Your Developer Career

by - Swapna Kumar Panda

I have been following Swapna Kumar Panda, he writes great threads on Twitter and provides resources to help developers. In this session, he shared his success story of continuing his technical writing journey even after an illness, highlighting the importance of documentation for developers and how technical writing opens up monetization opportunities and career advancement options. My main takeaways from this session included:

  1. Documenting your progress is important so that future generations will know what you have built and use that knowledge to further progress. That's why blogging and technical writing are so important.

  2. It takes time and effort to gain visibility and connect with a large audience, but he suggests that consistently sharing content will lead to success.

  3. Articles should be engaging, not too serious, and adding humor can make them interesting and keep readers engaged. Hiring managers also look for a writer's ability to simplify and explain complex issues. Sharing articles on social media is a good way to showcase your writing skills and appeal to potential employers.

Day 2: Personal Branding and Community Engagement

Session 1: Leveraging Social Media for Monetization

by - Nader Dabit

In this session, Nader Dabit begins by sharing his brand-building journey and offers some quick tips for building a personal brand like having a clear background, having a clean and consistent profile picture, Providing all your backlinks to your audience, and having some expertise to be known for something. My main takeaways from this session are:

  1. Tap into other people's audiences. If you don't have an audience to reach out to, you can collaborate with others who do have an audience to work with you on your project. By collaborating on projects, you can grow your brand as well as theirs simply by actively leveraging other people's audiences.

  2. If you are good at one thing, your audience will trust you and your content more because they will know that you are an expert in that area. Even if someone else has already written about the same topic, your unique version will be so impactful to your audience that you can repurpose the content in multiple ways.

  3. Learning in public not only keeps you accountable for what you are learning, but also indirectly builds your credibility by gaining exposure from others and creating content by documenting your journey.

    "Good artists borrow, and great artists steal"

    - Nader Dabit

Session 3: Building Your Personal Brand on Social Media

by - Ákos Kőműves

In this session Ákos emphasizes why you should build your brand because it requires Simple tools, it is simple to build, it has No competition, and No rules. The content you share with people affects your brand so try to consistently write and reiterate your mistakes and you will only improve by practice. The main takeaways from this session are -

  1. He gives his perspective on how to deal with people who copy your content. he says to ignore them as interacting with them will only give them more exposure. He even shares his achievements in archery and knife throwing further emphasizing that not to forget the person in your brand

    1. No matter how hard you try, it is hard to crack the algorithm and there is no guarantee that your work will work. So consistently stay in the game and keep writing to build your brand.

      "Don't forget the Person in your brand"


Day 3: Monetizing Your Expertise and Exploring Opportunities

Session: Freelance Writing Opportunities for Developers

By - James Q Quick

In this session, James Q Quick, a full-time technical content creator, introduces himself and discusses his experience in software development and developer advocacy, as well as his focus on creating content related to developers. He also talks about intertwining writing with building his brand and repurposing content across different platforms. He explains how he got started in freelance writing as a developer and his kickstarting point for this journey. Later in the session, he provides super cool insights for freelance writing opportunities in the developer world so viewers can leverage their skills to generate income. The key takeaways from this session I learned are:

  1. He explains the importance of a "niche" when building a personal brand. He explains that being known about a certain topic is helpful because you will be expected to be an expert in that area. However, he also argues that this has its limitations and that it is important to be flexible and move on to other topics when necessary.

  2. He points out that there is a huge amount of people consuming content, and that while there seems to be a lot of content on social media, there is still very little. People don't look at one content creator, they look at all content creators, consider all points of view, and find solutions based on that. So feel free to create content that has already been created.

  3. He discusses the use of AI tools in content creation and the importance of creators still playing a role in the process. He emphasizes that while AI can generate ideas and inspiration, it's important for creators to make sure their content matches their level of quality, voice, and audience expectations AI tools can be used to suggest headlines and metadata for people Scrolling Endless Content suggests that creators make their content stand out. In terms of recruiting for technical writers and other content-related positions, James mentions that the ability to communicate technical concepts in a way that makes sense to different audiences is important which is why having your personal touch important than just generating content through AI.


My experience in the Hashnode Bootcamp has been nothing short of exceptional. Throughout the program, I learned the ins and outs of technical writing and how to effectively write blogs that engage and excite the audience. The program was a great learning opportunity, and I applied everything I learned from Bootcamp to create this very blog.

The knowledge and skills I gained from the Hashnode Bootcamp, such as effectively writing blogs, will prove invaluable as I continue to learn and develop my career as a developer. There is no greater asset for aspiring developers than the ability to communicate technical concepts in a way that is easy for others.

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